New Generations Wiki

“For even the very wise cannot see all ends.” 

There are several places, either known or shrouded in history, that have been the site to ask questions and possibly receiving answers. Oracles, seers and more names have been gifted to those who live in these mysterious places. The curious or desperate for an answer on a certain question seek out these places, in hope of receiving an answer. This wiki page details the few places that can provide certain guidance, prophecies as answers on various questions to those willing to brave the dangers that come with both the journey as answers at the end.

The Oracles

Before one can learn of the location of an Oracle, they must understand that they aren't exclusive to a certain culture, religion or country. Whereas some claim to be gifted or working for a certain god or gods, they are open to all those who desire to seek their aid. However, one must be very cautious when contracting those who work in these mysterious places. For they can be fickle and not be willing to always provide an answer. And sometimes, you either don't want to hear a certain answer or not able to truly unravel its true meaning.

There are currently four known Oracles in the world. There may or may not have been more when the world was younger. It is interesting to state that each of the Oracles seems to focus on a particular area of one's origin or future. But it is known that the Oracles can answer many questions.

If they desire to.

The Twins key focus seems to be on one's future. Though it is a dangerous thing to blindly follow the Twin's, for one must be able to understand which one of them is lying.

The Whisperer of Bergjlot seems to be focused on one's destiny. Which is not to be confused with one's future as it merely seems to set on what can become.

The Crow's Nest seems to be focused on one's past, being able to see within the past without a flaw.

The Southern Oracle is one of the most mysterious of the known oracles. It seems to be able to foretell one's death, which often has made people think that the Southern Oracle is Death itself.


Over time, many legends and prophecies have been delivered. By both the oracles as other sources, these prophecies have often managed to captivate the attention of various people - from mere peasants to leaders of powerful nations. Many times, prophecies have been considered vital to drive the course of history into a certain direction. And many more times, people seem to misinterpret the true meaning of a prophecy or a part of it. This often leads to prophecies still coming true, despite various attempts of individuals trying to stop them.

Currently, there are a few prophecies known and being told. Though what their real meaning beholds? Only a few likely know or understand.
