New Generations Wiki


A son of one of the 50 original shinobi, who lost his mother during the war between the shinobi and humans, wanted to be able to speak to her again, and his expertise laid in Genjutsu. But, when he brought the mirrors up in the distant spot, the fight between the Sage;and the Ten-Tails occurred. The fight caused the nearby mountains to collapse and trap the poor son, who then begun trying to escape. But, after a while of trying and nearly creating an exit, he gave up on escaping and instead chose to resume the original reason he was there. He did the genjutsu, which was supposed to allow him to see a reflection of his mother from his own memories. But it did more than that. It created an exact replica of her next to him, but he could not touch her. Only speak to her, see her, and smell her scent. Then his mother touched him and brought his soul out of his body, to allow him to reflect on his choices, and asked him if he thought he did well. He told her he was not done with his life, and a moment later he was back in his body and managed to create the exit, which he concealed with a large boulder which is always covered by huge amount of snow, bigger than the average snow amounts in the Land of Snow, but it can only be moved if someone touches a certain spot on the boulder which has a small symbol, barely detectable in all the snow.

That man was the Moto clan Ancestor, and that was the first time the Moto clan symbol was used.


To enter or leave the place, the person needs to find the small Moto symbol which is barely visible in the snow, and from the inside, they need to touch the black moto symbol on the other side of the boulder.

Inside the cavern, there are 2 mirrors, which have been covered by ice due to the freezing area they are in, but their reflection can still be seen as clear as daylight. It said that looking at the reflection will allow a person to see who they respect the most, no matter if they are dead or alive and that the reflection would come out of the mirror and converse with the person. It is also said the respected person's 'reflection' can take a person's "soul" out of his body for a few moments and allow him to view himself, and even past choices by seeing different memories. Afterwards, it is said that all of the things that all goes back to being normal, as if nothing happened and it was all a genjutsu, to allow a person to learn a bit more about himself.
