New Generations Wiki

The Jirou Authority. It is composed of many islands, with each having its own unique traditions. The country's weather is typically cool and the islands are usually covered by mist. The islands themselves also feature many lakes.


Formation of the Water Country

The formation of the Water country officially started at 395 but it was a progress that had been going on for decades. In the Warring Clans Era, the beginning of the country's formation started in Ahina, the settlement that carried the name of the dynasty that would form and rule over the future country. The Ahina dynasty used both extensive amounts of diplomacy and war to increase their own influence, wealth and power. Slowly they started to gain a hold on the eastern side of the largest island - which is now known was simply 'Kirigakure' these days of the region. Their sphere of influence would start to expand eventually over the surrounding islands. Small and brief wars would be waged as the dynasty saw their might being unchallenged. As other nations started to be formed, the dynasty would form the Water country in 395.

The Republic map

The current dominion of the Authority and her vassal states. With the Three Great Clans being shown as; Yellow marking the domain and enclaves of the Hayashi Clan. Red marking the domain and enclaves of the Mizuno Clan. Green marking the domain and enclaves of the Akechi Clan.

After the formation, the Water country prospered. More than even any other country. This was due to the fact that there weren't many clans present and else they were easily outmatched in power and influence by the ruling Ahina dynasty. A situation that allowed the dynasty to rule with impunity. The founding of Kirigakure would, however, be contributed to the Suzu clan.

Trouble of Civil Unrest

The country continued to prosper. Tensions did run up with the years drawing close to the Great War. The start of the conflict did go pretty well for the Water country, invading the Fire country with the majority of their offensive operations. There was an attempt to attack the Lightning country, but that ended in a failure. A few sea battles were waged against the Wind Country but nothing more happened between the Wind and Water country.

When the war started to turn, unrest started to increase. Finally, the war would end with a crushing defeat for the Water country. It saw to the failing popularity of the ruling Ahina dynasty. Civil unrest really started to spark and would mark the decline of the country's standing in the world. Borders would be closed and trade diminished as various revolts started to embroil and drag the region into a time of civil conflict. Where the majority of the countries in the world started to recover from the dreadful large conflict, the same couldn't be said about the Water country. It would also be in this period where many clans residing in the region would be weakened and even decimated by the conflicts. The 'Decade of Peace', as known by other nations, is a term that was foreign in the Water country. No peace could be found in the torn region.

Rise and Fall of the Republic

Soon enough change started to occur. The Fifth Mizukage saw to a brief period of stability. While the borders were still closed and trade not flourishing as it once had, the constant state of civil unrest and conflict started to cease. Becoming a matter of the past. This wouldn't continue to last. The Fifth Mizukage, Rika Suzu, started to show her true colours. The unrest started to rise as decrees were made and various people started to see a return of the past regime. Having enough, a revolution would begin. Led by Mika Hayashi, this revolt would be different than the others that had come before. The Loyalist had more troops and resources but with the decaying mind of Rika Suzu, who was starting to become more and more paranoid, would start to lose against the revolutionaries. Matters would become worse when the Ahina dynasty would be killed in a brutal action taken by the Ina clan.

The death of the Ahina dynasty would soon be followed by the Fifth Mizukage's death. As the revolution was victorious a Republic would be founded. For a time, the Republic was stable, as four factions took their place in leading the senate of the Republic: The Heralds of Freedom, the Swords of Truth, the Members of Honour and the Sons of Kaizuko. While they controlled the senate, they also had members from each faction within the Council, which held the higher offices that were more directly responsible for different affairs within the realms.

However, a new feeling would start to rise among the citizens of the Republic. Some citizens would begin to worry that the new government may be too conflicted among themselves to actually perform things. Others believed that they were just enjoying the perks of being paid for doing nothing at all. Eventually, everything came to a point when a new and mysterious disease began spreading within the capital of Kirigakure. As the disease spread out, the government seemed to not care. This brought rise to panic and chaos that had begin to spread across the city, and at the same time, something had begun in the shadows. A plan to overthrow the stagnant leadership that was the Senate. And eventually, that plan would come to pass, as a man named Jirou Kanbe, leading numerous men loyal to him, took over the government building with inside help. Soon enough, the senators who refused to allow the regime to change would be executed. Jirou would then declare himself Dictator of the country, and soon see the rise of The Jirou Authority.

The Jirian Military

The Jirian military is formed by a standing army of volunteers. Where some areas have conscript centres the bulk is made up of people who signed up for the military. While their military isn't as large nor as renowned for being as disciplined as the Imperial Akinian or as ferocious as the Lightning country troops, their navy is unchallenged in size and expertise. Something not entirely surprising for a maritime nation.

Political Structure


The Districts

The Districts are areas that are supervised by a Foreman(or Forewoman). These Foremen are to supervise their district, manage it on a day to day basis and make sure that the Senate’s demands are met. Usually the Districts are held by noble and rich families, clans or even questionable figures.

Republican Laws

Republican Citizenship
